For the past two decades Tamba, an experienced and versatile ICT expert has deployed solutions as a Management Consultant, Technology Architect, Systems Engineer, Manager, and Developer for United States Federal Government Agencies, New York State Office of Information Technology, New York City Department of Education, IBM, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Novartis, Autodesk, Google, and Facebook. […]
According to the United Nations (UN) “Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty.” It should be no surprise then that one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is dedicated to education. SDG 4 is “to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all…” But in […]
TpISENT launches a new platform (https://tplearn.edu.sl) on Wednesday to help students in Sierra Leone obtain better passing scores in national and regional exams. Trained, experienced and qualified teachers develop and validate content. The tool will improve online teaching and learning in the post-COVID-19 era In recent years, the country has made gains in student enrollment, but the […]
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