Touchpoint Group HQ is open for business. It’s a work in progress but already looking beautiful and timeless. TpESTATE is part of a group of companies operating in Sierra Leone and United States. Tpisent is the ICT company. Fambul Tik is the heritage tourism company. Kent Eco-Friendly Vacation Community is our first sustainable gated vacation […]
TpESTATE is a real estate property developer, eco-friendly builder and Hydraform Building System Expert In Sierra Leone. We will discuss real estate development, investment opportunities, and market trends. Answer any questions related to Real Estate in Sierra Leone. You can learn more about our company at https://tpestate.com. Note that this is the first of […]
TpEstate is a real estate development company and manufacturer of eco-friendly Hydroform blocks. Over the past 1 year, the company has embarked on Hydroform brick production and estate development. The CEO of TpEstate Mr Tamba Lamin said the company is set to provide real housing solutions for people with low budgets, but need durable and […]
TpESTATE Developers is a leading civil engineering, real estate owner, real estate developer, and real estate property management company based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. We specialize in designing and building residential and commercial real estate properties using Hydraform’s Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSBs) also known as Interlocking Compressed Earth Blocks (ICEBs) that are made from compressed mixed soil, water, Portland cement, […]
In line with sustainable development and the urgent need to provide shelter for the world’s growing population, there is a need for alternative environmental benign technologies in construction that lessen demands on renewable resources. One such technology is the dry stack interlocking compressed stabilized earth block (CSEB) which is used alternative to traditional brick and […]
Two of these natural materials are readily available in Sierra Leone. Fine homes have always made use of natural materials. But these days you can find many products and techniques incorporating tried and true materials in surprising ways. Many of these techniques were used historically and are making a come back. These natural materials appeared in […]
“Alternative building” refers to construction methods that differ from mainstream modern architecture. They often use natural building materials, with a strong emphasis on sustainable design. Recently, popular housing materials, such as treated lumber, synthetic insulation, and certain paints (to name a few) have been exposed as harmful to both the environment and the inhabitants of […]
This article was originally published by Senseware on their website Many organizations are recognizing the value of sustainable and green building methods. New advances in materials, technology and practices enable companies to use environmentally friendly processes that also lead to better overall efficiency. Here are the top 10 sustainable building methods currently in use or under […]
Tamba Lamin has founded two businesses in Sierra Leone while in the US. He is the CEO of TpISENT an information technology company with headquarters in Freetown. His latest venture TpEstate (which employs 30 full-time employees) builds uses Hydrafoam interlocking technology to build eco-friendly detached, semi-detached, and terrace homes in Sierra Leone. Dr. Fouad Sheriff was inspired to launch […]
We wish you a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Thanks to all of our staff, clients, well-wishers, donors, and critics. We have done a lot in 2020 and are well-positioned for 2021. COVID-19 will not define who we are. We will defeat the disease and become the best of […]
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